Single-Source-of-Truth for Energy Impact

Company Details

Melbourne, Australia

Management Team

Bob Weihai He avatar

Bob Weihai He


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The problem we are solving:

We understand that Energy Impact requires stakeholders, to follow UN SGD (Sustainable Development Goals) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), while constrained by:

  • Data - Not fully integrated from all systems
  • Insight - Not transparent to all stakeholders
  • Action - Not coordinated to take actions

Our solution:

VERITAS is a Single-Source-of-Truth for Energy Impact, powered by a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platform, with AI and Blockchain technologies:

  • SaaS Platform offers Web Service (API), and system integration
  • AI Technologies with machine learning, and data analytics
  • Blockchain Technologies using distributed ledger systems, and Smart Contracts

Our differentiator:

  • Scalability by SaaS Platform: Open API offers interoperability for system integration
  • Cost-Effective by AI Technologies: Increased speed and accuracy to provide new insights
  • Evidence-based by Blockchain Technologies: Transparent and verifiable records, with Smart Contract to execute programmes

We bring together subject matter experts that are deeply knowledgeable in the opportunities of both local and global energy market opportunities from a customer perspective.

Our Vision:

VERITAS’s vision is to become a trusted-advisor for Energy Impact, for all stakeholders, including:
1. Energy Consumption: Consumers, SMEs, Corporate
2. Energy Generation: Generators, Distributors, Wholesalers/Retailers
3. Energy Market Data: Government, Regulators, Operators