Small Mighty CSR

Small Mighty CSR

Making sustainability simple for small business.

Company Details

Melbourne, Australia

Management Team

Sara Redmond-Neal avatar

Sara Redmond-Neal

Founder & Principal Sustainability Advisor

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About Small Mighty CSR

The problem we are solving:

  • SMEs make up 40% of Australia’s carbon footprint (Powershop data, 2021)
  • Large businesses making net zero commitments will be placing pressure on SMEs in their supply chain and loan portfolio
  • SMEs don’t have the knowledge or expertise to reduce their carbon footprint, and don’t have time to figure it out
  • SMEs are missing out on significant business benefits including cost savings and customer attraction

Our solution:

  • Online program that guides a business through the steps needed to measure, reduce and offset their carbon footprint
  • Designed for time-poor business owners, with engaging, bite-size modules that are practical and outcome-focused (not academic)
  • Cohort-based, progressing through modules as a group to provide accountability and peer network

Our differentiator:

Currently, SMEs must either hire a consultant to conduct this work or research and upskill via dense pdf documents and long, academic e-learning courses. My goal is to enable small businesses to do this themselves as quickly and effortlessly as possible.

Biggest achievement:

  • Partnered with CPA Australia and Australia Post to bring sustainability learning resources to their SME networks
  • Ran introductory carbon footprint workshops at Ethical Enterprise Conference and through Sustainable Living Festival
  • In the future I plan to create courses on additional topics such as sustainability strategy, circular economy and social impact, and be the go-to resource for SMEs."