

Grid-scale Energy Storage for a Carbon-Free Future

Company Details

Fort Worth, United States
Not Fundraising

Management Team

Matthew Ciardiello avatar

Matthew Ciardiello

Co-Founder & CEO

Paul Button avatar

Paul Button

Co-Founder & CTO

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About TerraStor

The problem we're solving

The energy transition cannot happen without cheap and effective energy storage. Renewable energy is intermittent by nature. As renewable penetration grows past ~25% on any particular grid, this intermittency creates a major challenge for grid operations, which must constantly balance electricity supply with demand. Energy storage is therefore needed to absorb the intermittent supply of renewable energy and dispatch it to the grid reliably, enabling a full energy transition.

Our solution

TerraStor’s ACAES plants provide very large-scale storage solutions to the grid that are responsive, flexible, and very cost effective. Our plants offer long to very long duration (8-24+ hours) storage to meet a variety of grid needs in balancing renewable energy supply.

Our differentiator

Our plants are larger in scale and longer in storage duration than competing technologies.

Our solution is mechanically simple and utilizes abundant features of nature (air and geology) to offer the most economic grid-scale storage solution, particularly for long-duration storage.

Our solution is commercial-ready, leveraging existing technologies from the oil and gas and power industries.

The construction and operation of our plants do not depend on supply-constrained raw materials or significant land use.

Biggest achievement

We have developed a process design with a high round-trip storage efficiency. This design is based on currently available powertrain technology and modern cavern engineering techniques.

We have identified, through extensive geologic research and analysis, a list of developable sites for our technology.