How ceramic engines can cut global CO2 emissions - Carnot

Kayla Dreuth
Published on

United by Net Zero 2022 Demo Day is happening next friday! As Dec 2nd approaches and our 12 week program ends, we are catching up with all our startups to see how they have grown their innovative ideas over the span of the program.
Carnot, founded by Archie Watts-Farmer, is one of the amazing startups in our Decarbonization 2022 program. Inspired by the French engineer from the 1800s, Sadi Carnot, who demonstrated the theoretical maximum efficiency an engine can reach is 85%. 200 years later, the average efficiency of engines is only 35%. Archie and his team decided it was time to take action and set a goal to double the efficiency to achieve 70%- which they have achieved with their novel technology.
Carnot was born to change the way we understand engines. Using double-efficiency ceramic engines, they have the power to revolutionise the industry and cut global CO2 emissions. The advantage to these engines is that they are fuel flexible and run on existing fuels like hydrogen or ammonia, which allows them to scale. As a company, they are currently targeting the markets of off-grid energy, shipping, and heavy duty vehicles.
Over the past 2 months, Carnot has been developing a product roadmap and a commercial roadmap in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation and NYK Line. Week by week, Archie and his team have been pushing themselves to the next level to gain a better understanding of what potential applications are available for their new technology to address.
In the end, Carnot’s ready to make their next big steps and share their vision of halving CO2 emissions on existing fuels, accelerating the transition to net zero, and decarbonizing their target markets.
To see Archie pitch at Demo Day register here: