Platform that allows customers to buy, sell or improve their home securely and easily

Company Details

Mexico City, Mexico
USD $10K-$100K
Round now open!

Management Team

Carlos Barbosa avatar

Carlos Barbosa


Abril Fuentes avatar

Abril Fuentes

Chief Brand Officer

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The problem we're solving:

Fraud plagues real estate transactions in Mexico and multiple markets. Market is fragmented and the home buying experience is complicated and far from ideal. Buyers and sellers face multiple challenges from shady brokers to corruption in government procedures. Mortgage financing is inaccessible for most people. Population growth will increase demand for sustainable, affordable and eco friendly housing.

Our solution:

VIVIS simplifies property transactions with secure, efficient digital solutions, allowing to buy, sell, or improve Homes in a secure manner. By using AI, BlockChain and multiple predefined human processes we eliminate fraud. We also provide mortgage financing easily and to all demographics. We have created VIVIS Value, our AI powered home appraisal tool which automatically discovers and assigns value to properties. We will invest into sustainable, affordable and eco-friendly housing.

Our differentiator:

In VIVIS we handle the entire real estate process by integrating with notaries, contractors and other key players we are able to offer a complete solution to users that want to sell, buy, finance, or improve their home.

We use AI and BlockChain in multiple stages of our processes to ensure security and transparency.

VIIVS provides users tools to redefine the home owner experience, like VIVIS Value our automated AI powered appraisal tool or VIVIS Homes which acts as a hub for home owners.

Our biggest achievement:

Currently we have 90 properties on sale, we have sold over 30 since November 2023, we have 3 millions properties in Mexico City mapped with AI Powered VIVIS Value.

We're working with constructors to create the first 2 vertical living real estate projects fully developed by VIVIS: We call them GreenHomes: sustainable, affordable, and eco-friendly housing, fully integrated into the VIVIS ecosystem, allowing user to improve, maintain, rent or sell those properties thorugh VIVIS.