

AI co-worker operated from Whatsapp that helps real estate businesses and agents be very productive, create great customer experiences and sell more.

Company Details

Guadalajara, Mexico
USD $101k-$500k

Management Team

Pablo Macedo avatar

Pablo Macedo

Co-founder, CPO & Alliances

Alejandro Torres Padilla avatar

Alejandro Torres Padilla

Co-founder, CEO & CTO

Mariana Arias avatar

Mariana Arias

Co-founder, COO & Sales

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About Ungga

The problem we're solving:

Many agents spend more than a third of the week hours to work, because they have to perform multiple tasks and adapt to prospects' moments. Selling under these conditions is not easy and work is not enjoyable. This also affects potential buyers or renters, since in most cases, they don't receive timely attention, causing the loss of sales opportunities for the brokerage company and reinforcing a vicious circle that affects all stakeholders.

Our solution:

AI co-worker on Whatsapp that frees real estate agents from repetitive tasks and augments their capabilities. This results in great service for prospects, a more productive and enjoyable work for agents, and increased sales. Our solution is already helping businesses serve their leads and will soon enable agents to share opportunities and be assisted on legal and admin tasks. A future version is envisioned to allow public to make inquiries directly while generating leads for our users network.

Our differentiator:

Unlike others, like general or real estate chatbots that answer inquiries about a company portfolio and schedule appointments, we’re beyond that, by automating tasks and augmenting agents for real estate use cases that accelerate turnover of properties and prospects in our user network. And our solution is ready-to-use next day.

Since human-like AI capabilities are recent, human specialists are still an important competitor. But they are costly, not 24/7, slow, and error prone.

Our biggest achievement:

• Proptech Latam Award: Best Startup 2023 • 33 users now, 41% MoM growth (April) • +3,700 prospects served, +170 agent request served, 5 key CRM integrations • High exposure via 4 prestigious real estate associations in Mexico (AMPI, PAIS, UPIM & Brokers Network) • Invited to 4 key events last month as speakers and commercial presence, no charge. April 8: “EOS Andares”, 11: “Women & Proptech” (Proptech Latam), 17: “Real Estate Summit” (PAIS & COPIM), and 25: “AI in Real Estate” (Proptech Latam)